Theo Sandstrom

Welcome to MATH 294! This workshop functions as a supplement to MATH 215 (Introduction to Advanced Math), offering more opportunities to engage with the course material, with a focus on improving proof-writing and problem-solving abilities through guided hands-on practice. Based on student interests, some material beyond the MATH 215 curriculum may be incorporated.

Instructor: Theo Sandstrom,

Time: Tue/Thu 12:00-12:50

Location: Taft Hall 219

Office hours: Thu 09:00-11:00 (in the MSLC)

Homework: The only assigned homework will be the final project, described in the syllabus (linked below).

Grading: Your grade will be entirely based on attendance/participation (80%) and the final project (20%), as described in the syllabus (linked below).

Course materials: