Theo Sandstrom


  1. ACC for F-signature: a likely counterexample (with C. Adams, A. Simpson), submitted 2024. (pdf) (arxiv).
  2. On localization of tight closure in line-S4 quartics (with L. Borevitz, N. Nader, A. Shapiro, A. Simpson, J. Zomback). J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 2024. (pdf) (arxiv).
  3. Realizing pairs of multicurves as cylinders on translation surfaces (with J. Aygun, J. Barkdoll, A. Calderon, J. Lorman), submitted 2024. (pdf) (arxiv).
  4. Virtual multicrossings and petal number for virtual knots and links (with C. Adams, C. Even-Zohar, J. Greenberg, R. Kaufman, D. Lee, D. Li, D. Ping, X. Wang), J. Knot Theory Ramifications, 2023. (pdf) (arxiv).